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7 More things about the artist

First some exciting news. I've opened an account on Image Kind and now you can order prints of some of my work if the price of a particular piece is a bit higher than you'd like to pay for a piece of art. These reproductions are high quality and come on canvas or a variety of papers that you can purchase framed or get just the print and frame it yourself. Once you are done reading the blog I hope you will click the link at the bottom and visit the page I have set up!

Well, I sincerely hope I'm not turning people off my making the start of this blog about myself. I'm a third of the way done and I can't wait for this theme to be over...I'm running out of things to tell you!


Day 15 - I'm a nerd! Well, sort of. I love sci-fi and fantasy. I'm a huge Star Wars fan, grew up watching Star Trek (Original and Next Generation, and all the movies), love, love love the Marvel Universe, Alien Franchise, Predator, and more. On my first real date with my husband we went to the movies. I really wanted to see Alien: Resurrection, but I didn't know how my date would react so I told him to pick the movie. He chose Snake Eyes which is horrible. We both hated it. Later on I found out that he really wanted to see the new Alien movie but didn't think a girl would like that sort of thing. I should have been true to myself and let my nerdy self shine through!

If you have not seen the Bad Lip Reading: Seagulls and you are a Star Wars fan, you need to see it!

Fibromyalgia (BOO HISS!!)

Day 16 - This is not something I like to talk about unless something comes up and I feel I need to. I started having joint and muscular pain in 2012 and thought maybe I was pushing myself to hard so I eased back a bit. I also was incredibly fatigued. After about 6 months with no improvement and getting worse each day I went to the doctor. I was misdiagnosed for a couple years and was finally given the correct diagnoses of Fibromyalgia.

It is considered an invisible illness because an outsider can't see the effects, you look the same, you learn to deal with it in a way so you can fake it out in public and you just hide away on the days you can't. Being an introvert this isn't a huge lifestyle change so many people don't know I have it, unless they read this. There is a silver lining to everything it seems. If I did not have this illness I never would have pursued art as a career. I would just doodle here and there and never share the gift God has blessed me with. Having this creative outlet has been amazing therapy for me as stress reduction is key in avoiding flareups.

Fitness Enthusiast

Day 17 - Wait what? Didn't you just say you have fibro? Why yes, yes I did and still do. This was more in the past and I miss that part of my life very much. I used to do kickboxing, mixed martial arts, jogged, lifted weights and did yoga nearly every day. I loved feeling strong and that I could eat basically anything I wanted. That part of my life is gone for now, but I still walk (slowly) and do yoga. Occasionally I will lift some very light weights but I need to be careful that I don't overdo and trigger a flare. I also will boogie down and do the "Just Dance" games on xbox with my daughters...that is NOT a pretty sight and I will spare you from an image of me busting a move, or more likely my back!

Almost a Black Belt

Day 18 - As I mentioned previously I used to do mixed martial arts and I was getting so close to having my black belt. I had completed the steps necessary to start black belt testing and then...the fibro hit. Then pretty shortly afterwards my dojo closed down. I've always regretted that I haven't been able to complete my training (Yoda would not approve), but again not everything is meant to be and I've accepted that. Anyone have any good ideas on what to make with all these belts??

I'm a Reader

Day 19 - I love to read! Always have. I would read the telephone book (I'm serious!), the cereal box and anything else I could get a hold of when I was a kid. I was watching Return of the Jedi and was very upset that I couldn't read what Jabba was saying. So from the age of 4 I was determined I wasn't going to let that happen again. As a teenager I read a lot of fiction but as an adult I prefer non-fiction and as mentioned before I love true crime, but also like historical and informational books. A lot of my library consists of reference material and most of those are about animals. The most recent fiction I read was The Girl with all the Gifts. I am always looking for a good tip on a good fiction so if you have a suggestion you think I would like please let me know in the comments!

Movie Buff

Day 20 - Who doesn't love a good movie? As well as my favorite sci-fi and fantasy I love a good Tim Burton film, anything with Johnny Depp (yes I know he's crazy), some horror, mysteries, comedies, dramas and action movies, I also really like most Disney movies. I do not like chick flicks. That being said...I love Pride and Predjudice, Emma, and Sense and Sensibility (both in book or movie form). I do not like war movies (unless it's an alien race we are battling) or prison movies (unless it's The Shawshank Redemption or The Green Mile) The last two movies I saw in the theater are Rogue One and Moana and I loved them both. What's your all time favorite movie(s)?

(Sorry for the awful blurry photo but I think it's the only one I have of me at a theater!)

Couch Potato

Day 21 - I usually try not to be a couch potato. I got a fit bit for Christmas to help remind me to move if I get a little lazy. However, when the chores of the day are done and my family has had dinner (after my art time) I am more than happy to zone out in front of the TV. My favorite shows are in no particular order The Walking Dead (ok that is my all time favorite and now they are in no particular order), Bones, The Big Bang Theory, Dr. Pol, Game of Thrones, Sherlock and anything on Nat Geo or the ID channel. My husband and I also watch Agents of Shield, and we watch America's Got Talent, Survivor and the Middle as a family.

As promised, here is the link to access my Image Kind account!

Here's what I've been working on this past week, I have been working on matting and framing some of my artwork so I haven't created much but here are a pair of swans to celebrate Valentine's Day and a colored pencil sketch I did when I was away for the weekend.

Alright that is it for this week. I hope you comment on what you enjoy so I can get to know my subscribers as well as you are getting to know me!

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 by Nicole Belval

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