Show Time!
"Biding His Time" Acrylic & Pastel 11x14" 2018 1st Place Mixed Media - NAAA It's that time of year! Shows, exhibits and workshops, Oh my!...

Summer is in full swing
I hope everyone is enjoying this summer weather and managing to stay cool when it has been above 90 degrees! I'm more of an autumn gal...

The Final 7 - Thank goodness!
Well, I'm really struggling to come with 7 more things about me that matter...I can't really think of much. So instead of dragging this...

I'm feeling very self-centered (7 more things about the artist)
Yup...this is definitely not in my comfort zone. I like to hide in the shadows, I'm a wall flower, I don't want to be noticed. So no...

Family, Religion, Artist (duh), Humor, Sweet Tooth, and True Crime...
THIS IS ME... DAY 1 - I am a happily married, almost 40 year old mother of two girls. I have lived in New England my entire life. I love...