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The Final 7 - Thank goodness!

Well, I'm really struggling to come with 7 more things about me that matter...I can't really think of much. So instead of dragging this out for another week I'm going to just list the final 7 here and hopefully will have some new artwork to share with you this week.


Day 22 - I LOVE them. I listen to them for several hours a day. Going in the car? Podcast. Cleaning the house? Podcast. Exercising? Podcast. Creating some art? Podcast. You get the picture...

I have a variety of ones I listen to. I have a few true crime ones, I also have mystery, positive thinking, organizing, devotional, myths, and an artist podcast on my phone.

I'm always on the lookout for new podcasts to listen to so if you have any recommendations please let me know!


Day 23 - I have a wide variety of musical tastes. I like hard rock, christian rock, alternative rock, oldies, some pop, classical, some opera, metal ,Disney, soft rock, pretty much anything except for rap and country although there are a few exceptions to those as well. When I'm not listening to a podcast, I've got music going. What music do you love? What could you do without?

(I know a lot of this isn't current music, but all my newer stuff is on my phone)

My Fashion

Day 24 - Or lack thereof. My normal attire consists of t-shirts, hoodies, flannels, yoga pants and jeans, and most of these are in shades of gray, dark blue, dark green and black. I do own some nicer clothes but I really love to be comfy and if I have to dress up for an event I'm miserable and can't wait to get home into my comfy clothes. I might look like a slob 90% of the time, but I'm very happy and content with my "look". If the picture below doesn't make you laugh...I don't know what will! Yes...I wear slippers all the time too!

List of Favorites

Day 25 - 28...I'm phoning it in! I'm sorry, I just can't think of anything else so I'm just going to list a few of my favorite things, one for each day left of the month. Hope you've enjoyed getting to know me a little bit and hope I haven't bored you to death.

Favorite Foods - Pizza, Lasagna, anything Mexican! Plus we already discussed my sweet tooth!

Favorite Drinks - Diet Pepsi, Water with True Lemon added and milkshakes.

Favorite Colors - Purple, Black and Teal/Aqua

Favorite Time of Year - in order Autumn, Spring and Summer/Winter tie for last place. I don't do well with extreme temperatures but I do love the lack of spiders in the winter!

Favorite Things to Spend Money on - animals, whether buying new ones of buying things for them, spoiling my kids, ART SUPPLIES!!, books, containers ( I have an addiction), and experiences (whale watch, movie or performance tickets, etc.)

Guess what? No themes or challenges for a while. Yeah!

If you would like to see some of my art in person I have a display up at People's Bank on West St. in Keene, NH for the months of April/May and my work is also exhibited at Walpole Interiors on Whitcomb Rd. in Walpole, NH.

For now here is what I've been working on this last week.

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 by Nicole Belval

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