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New in November

If you don't read the whole blog be sure to scroll to the bottom for a special offer!

"Forest Bandit" 11" x 14" (matted size) mixed media on paper

First let me say Happy Thanksgiving to all of you here in the United States!

I hope you had a wonderful day with family and friends and lots of good food.

Above is my most recent piece of an adorable little mischief maker. Raccoons are so cute and also cause so much trouble. This little guy won't tear your house apart or beg for food though.

I thought I was done for the year with my last event, a craft fair at my daughter's school, but I signed up for one last event. I swear! It's the last one for 2017! I will be exhibiting at another craft fair on December 1st at Wheelock School in Keene, NH. I'm very happy to be offering calendars, coasters and magnets with my artwork printed on them as well as the usual note cards and original artwork. If you are local please stop by and say "Hello!".

From Left to Right, Top Row: Divine Swine, Spring Lamb & Highlander Marble Coasters, Chubby Chickadee & Chubby Blue Jay Magnets, Chubby Goldfinch & Chubby Female Cardinal Magnets.

Bottom Row: Chubby Cardinal & Chubby Bluebird Magnets, Chubby Downy Woodpecker & Chubby Robin Magnets, Chubby Female Cardinal 4" x 4" Original Painting.

Our setup at the November 4th Craft Fair.

Collection of my "Chubby Bird" series. These are all 4" x 4" gallery wrapped canvas. These have the wider 1 1/2" sides so they can stand up on their own and be displayed on a shelf or table or also be hung from a nail in the traditional manner.

I will be enjoying the holiday season with my family and may not have time to devote to creating new art. I do have a few in progress pieces that I hope to finish. I hope you all have a splendid Christmas, Chanukkah, and New Year! Thanks for reading and supporting me in 2017. As a special gift to you I would like to give you an exclusive 20% discount on any of the artwork listed on my online store.

Enter THANKS20 to receive your discount at checkout. This will expire on December 1st so be sure to use it soon. If you have any issues using the code please let me know and I'll correct it for you.

I will also be having a facebook only sale starting today at 6pm. This sale will end on Monday or when the selected paintings are sold out. Then starting December 1st there will be a different sale each day for 12 days. So be sure to follow me on facebook to see the daily bargains I post!

I will post in 2018 the total amount donated to the Animal Welfare Institute for the 2017 year!

Until next time, see you in 2018!


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 by Nicole Belval

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