Out and about in October
"Jelly Jive" 16" x 20" Acrylic on Canvas unframed Click to view on website Here's a taste of what I've been working on lately. I went for...

Summer Shenanigans!
"Killers" 14"x 18" Acrylic on Canvas Ok, not really. No shenanigans have been happening here, just a lot of chauffeuring children and...

No space for artwork? Think again!
"Goofball" 9" x 12"mixed media on Canson paper I've had many people admire a piece of art and then proceed to tell me that they have no...

I'm feeling very self-centered (7 more things about the artist)
Yup...this is definitely not in my comfort zone. I like to hide in the shadows, I'm a wall flower, I don't want to be noticed. So no...

Starting out the New Year with a blog!
Okay, I'm a little late to say this is a New Year's resolution. Better late than never though right? I'm going to start this blog in an...