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Summer Shenanigans!

"Killers" 14"x 18" Acrylic on Canvas

Ok, not really. No shenanigans have been happening here, just a lot of chauffeuring children and keeping them busy and entertained. I can't believe we are over 2/3 of the way through summer vacation though. I will miss them being home but it will be nice to have a cleaner house again. Sorry girls! LOL

"Beluga Blues" 16" x 20" Acrylic on Canvas

Since I posted last I've finished the Art Walk which was a nice experience and I currently have a display up at a local bank.

I'm starting to prepare for the Art in the Park and am looking forward to it. I have my own canopy this time and can't wait to use it. Looking forward to meeting new art collectors, artists and those that are just enjoying the day and the beautiful art. Please stop by and say "hello" on September 2nd or 3rd at the Art in the Park event in Ashuelot Park, Keene, NH.

"New Englanders" 14" x 18" Acrylic on Canvas

I'm going to set up a Facebook poll to see which piece I should offer for the raffle. I have no idea what would be the favorite among a wide audience. So if you have a moment this week check out my Facebook page and vote!

I'm working on two series at the same time (not sure if that's a good idea or not), one is a marine animal series that is a little abstract and the other is working on teeny tiny canvases and making bugs. Hopefully they are cute and not creepy! Let me know in the comments what you think!

Itty bitty lady bug 4" x 4" Acrylic on Canvas

I'm writing this post at my daughters dance class, I've decided that the weekly dance classes will be my time to work on the blog and my newsletter. The newsletter doesn't exist yet. When it does I'll be sure to let you know.

Two little water color studies I did, one was in cape cod and the other was a view of my flower bed.

That's it for now, hopefully I'll get to working on the blog more frequently now. Thanks for sticking around and reading my ramblings!

Upcoming Events:

Art in the Park

Ashuelot Park, Keene, NH

Saturday, September 2nd 10am-4pm

Sunday, Semptember, 3rd 10am - 4pm

Cheshire Fair Horse Show Series

Cheshire Fairgrounds, Swanzey, NH

Sunday, September 10th, 8am - end of show.

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 by Nicole Belval

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